Scrum Master as Mentor: A Guide for Mentors and Mentees

Naveen Kumar Singh
8 min readAug 27, 2022


Scrum Master as Mentor

Mentoring continues to be one of the most popular and beneficial ways for individuals to improve the quality of their lives, whether that’s a personal need or a professional goal. Mentoring relationships are formed when two or more individuals connect to help facilitate learning and growth.

Finding the right mentor is an exciting yet scary prospect. But on the other hand, the freedom of having someone to lean on and ask for advice, support, and guidance is a gift.

While it can be challenging, it is possible to connect with someone who will teach you valuable lessons, offer encouragement, and help you succeed in your assignment. However, finding a good mentor isn’t always easy.

When thinking about this process, many factors should be considered and weighed as you determine whether or not to ask for help from someone else.

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is a process whereby an experienced individual (the mentor) provides guidance, support, and advice to another (the mentee) to help them develop and progress in their career. The relationship between mentor and mentee is built on trust and mutual respect, and the mentor provides objective and impartial advice and guidance.

The mentee is free to ask for help and advice on anything they feel they need support with, and the mentor will offer guidance and advice based on their experience and knowledge. This process can be helpful for both the mentor and the mentee. The mentor can gain a sense of satisfaction from helping someone to progress in their career, and the mentee can benefit from the guidance and support of someone with more experience.

Mentoring can happen in a one-to-one or group setting with multiple mentees and a single mentor. There is no specified time frame for mentoring, but typically it is a long-term relationship whereby the mentor provides ongoing support and advice to the mentee.

Importance of Mentoring

Mentoring is one of the most effective and powerful ways to enter into professional relationships in your career. It is one of the main ways for managers to grow their teams and for employees to learn about their roles and how to use them.

Mentoring helps build relationships that will significantly influence how others perceive you in the future, which ultimately helps with any career advancement.

The following reasons signify the importance of mentoring.

Providing Guidance and Support

Mentoring can help people reach their full potential by providing the right instructions and supervision. A mentor can help someone identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and develop a plan to reach those goals. A mentor can also provide encouragement and motivation when needed.

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

Having someone to look up to and learn from can help someone feel more confident. This is especially true for young people who may not have a lot of self-confidence and are looking for someone to emulate. A role model can help them feel more confident in their abilities and give them something to strive for.

Fostering a Sense of Belonging

When someone has a mentor, they have someone they can rely on and who will be there for them. This can help create a strong bond between mentor and mentee. It can also help create a sense of community and belonging within a group or organization.

Developing Leadership Skills

Finally, mentoring can help develop leadership skills. A mentor can teach their mentee to be a leader and inspire others. A mentee who learns these skills can then go on to use them in their career or other areas of their life.

Mentoring is an essential part of the professional development of people. It provides them with valuable insights and experiences that can significantly improve their skills, knowledge, and career growth.

Benefits of Being a Mentor

Mentoring is a wonderful way to gain insight into another person’s life. Not only do you get the satisfaction of helping someone else achieve their goals, but you can also learn new skills and gain valuable experience yourself.

Becoming a mentor can enrich your life on a personal and professional level by helping you do the following:

  • Connect with a community of like-minded individuals
  • The fulfilling feeling of giving back to the community
  • Allow others to take part in your life and learn from your experience
  • Learn new ways of doing things that you wouldn’t be able to learn on your own
  • Resolve issues within yourself and grow as an individual

Mentoring can be a great way to build your professional network, as you can meet new people and learn about their experiences and expertise. You can also learn more about your field, as you may be exposed to new ideas and perspectives.

Benefits of Being a Mentee

A mentorship program might be the perfect fit if a mentor has the knowledge you need or feels like you could benefit from their wisdom.

There are many benefits to being a mentee in a mentorship program.

  • Mentees can learn about the mentor’s professional field, gain invaluable insights and knowledge, and receive guidance and advice.
  • The mentee can also develop a stronger network of contacts and a greater sense of self-confidence.
  • The mentee can benefit from the mentor’s experience and expertise to improve their own skills, as well as help them build a career path they can follow after graduation.
  • The mentee will also benefit from being able to learn from the mentor’s mistakes and successes, which will help them become better professionals in their own right.

Many people would agree that one of the best things about these programs is that you can ask questions and get answers from the people who are best suited to help you.

Types of Mentors

Mentoring can be a formal process with specific goals and objectives, or it can be informal, focusing simply on developing a trusting relationship. Either way, mentoring can be a memorable experience for both the mentor and the mentee.

Whether you’re looking for more career advancement, specific projects, or general guidance on how to work better in your current role, there are various types of mentors you can connect with.

Depending on the nature of your relationship with your mentors and what you hope to gain from them, you will most likely take advantage of multiple approaches to gain the support you need at any given time.

Let’s look at the variety of mentors available for you according to your convenience.

Traditional Mentor

This type of mentor is typically an experienced individual who can provide guidance and wisdom to a less experienced person.

Traditional mentors can be found in many different settings, including the workplace, educational institutions, and community organizations. They can play a vital role in helping people to reach their potential and achieve their goals.

Reverse Mentor

A reverse mentor is someone who has achieved a level of success that you want to achieve but does not have the same experience as you do. They can help guide and support you during your journey by sharing their knowledge and expertise.

They can also help you avoid the mistakes they made and guide you through the pitfalls that may still be ahead. For example, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking for advice on starting a business, a reverse mentor would be someone who has already started their own successful company.

Peer Mentor

Peer mentors are individuals who work in roughly the same position as you do in your organization. They often have similar responsibilities and typically find themselves in the same situations you would experience.

Applying peer mentoring skills to your relationship with your peers will give you opportunities to learn from each other and grow in ways you previously would probably not have been able to accomplish alone.

Aspirational Mentor

Aspirational mentors are people who have achieved what you want to achieve and can share their experiences with you. They are successful in the field of your choice, and they can provide valuable advice on how to get there.

The aspirational mentor is the person you want to be like. They personify your values and aspirations. They are a role model and an inspiration, which makes them the perfect people to look up to when you need some encouragement.

Practical Mentor

The Practical Mentor is someone who has practical knowledge and experience you can use to achieve your goals. They are good at helping you solve problems, plan your life or business, and make sound decisions. They teach by example, sharing their own experiences in a way that makes them relatable and applicable to your situation.

A practical mentor can give you specific, hands-on advice that will help you achieve success by directing you to the right path.

Coping Mentor

A coping mentor is someone who helps you cope with your mental illness. They can be a friend, family member, or partner, and they will listen to you vent about the stressors in your life that are making it harder to manage your mental health.

A coping mentor is someone you can confide in when you are feeling overwhelmed or sad. They listen without judging and give advice that helps you get through the situation.

Identity Mentor

Identity mentors are those who help you discover your true self, your core values, and your strengths. They allow you to find the answers to questions like: Who am I? Where did I come from? What do I want in life? How can I make a difference in this world?

Identity mentors help you to clarify your purpose in this lifetime. They will also help you learn how to use your talents to bring out the best in yourself and others.

Mentors can be a valuable resource for both mentees and the organizations they work for. By investing in the development of their employees, organizations can create a more positive and productive work environment.

Prominent Factors of Mentoring

Mentoring is a powerful and rewarding way to learn, grow, and be surrounded by people who want to help you grow. The benefits of mentoring are numerous; however, it can be an overwhelming experience when you are first beginning this journey.

Mentoring is a relationship based on trust and mutual respect and is often used to develop someone’s skills and knowledge.

Many factors can contribute to the success of a mentoring relationship, but some of the most important include:

  • The mentee’s motivation and willingness to learn. For a mentoring relationship to be successful, the mentee must be open to learning from their mentor.
  • The mentor’s ability to communicate effectively and provide clear instructions. The mentor needs to be able to communicate their own experiences and knowledge in a way that the mentee can understand and learn from.
  • The amount of time and effort the mentor is willing to invest. A successful mentoring relationship requires time and commitment from both parties.
  • The compatibility of the two individuals. The mentor and mentee must have compatible personalities and interests for the relationship to work well.

A mentor doesn’t necessarily have to be someone older than you or more experienced than you, but it does have to be someone who has some level of knowledge and experience.

When it comes to mentoring and professional development, the opportunity for personalization is an important aspect. Your relationship with your mentor will play a large role in the success or failure of your mentoring journey.

Therefore, you need to consider what mentor relationship works best for your needs.


Mentoring is a widely practiced professional development program that allows employees to learn and improve their skills by having an experienced colleague mentor them individually. Mentoring is beneficial for individuals and applies to organizations and chains of command.

Having the right kind of mentor to improve someone’s performance is essential. In addition, these programs can provide individuals with an enriched development process by which they can build on their existing skill set to create new applications to solve business problems and improve organizational processes.

Mentorship programs can provide valuable information, solutions, or connections that are otherwise difficult to receive or find. In addition, in the open-ended environment of a mentoring program, both parties can benefit from each other’s expertise.



Naveen Kumar Singh

Agile Coach and Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) @Agilemania, Servant leader @Agile 30 and Developer @GitHub, Ranting @LinkedIn & an Artist @YouTube